Custom Products for the Digital Radio Amateur Enthusiast |
On Friday 8/23/2024 - this product was mentioned nearly simultaneously on
Zero Retries and an unboxing video by KM6LYW. As such - an influx of orders resulted. I had quite a
supply of boards to start, but I still ran out. We're committed to building as many of these as
necessary to fulfill the orders - but it's going to take some additional time. Our regular customers
know we ship our products rather quickly - usually the next business day. All assembled and tested
products are built by hand - by humans. Even the kits require some time because I install some of
the harder to solder components (CODEC and VR). Orders are processed in the order in which they are
As of Saturday morning 8/24/2024 - we've run out of circuit boards, but more are on the way. I have
the parts / components to make many (hundreds) - - and all of the components in the project are readily
available. It's going to take us a while to get through the initial wave - but we wanted to make
you aware of the longer lead time, assure you we are doing our best, and appreciate your patience as
we do. The next board shipment is due to arrive September 3.
As of September 7th, were nearly caught up and orders going forward will have a rather normal
shipping lead time.
NOTE: Kits are recommended for very experienced builders that are capable of tiny surface
mount components.
This is a difficult kit to build because of its size and build requirements.
Not sure what it does? Go here to read all about it.
Email Kevin Custer for ordering information, ordering by check, and/or support of this exciting product.
Product of Masters Communications, all rights reserved.
Specifications and price may change without notice.
Images are property of Kevin Custer - W3KKC
Board layout by Kevin Custer - W3KKC
HTML August 4, 2024, W3KKC All Rights Reserved!